There are various methods used by a Feng Shui practioner. The method used may depend on the cure (or enhancement) that is desired. Below is a list of some of the methods that we use at Ozarks FengShui:

Colors: Colors are associated with each segment of the Bagua. Colors can be used to balance an area.

Numbers: Numbers are very important to Feng Shui. There are numbers associated with the date of birth. There are also numbers that are used in Tracing the Nine Stars, as well as the Magic Square numbers.

Elements: Certain Elements are used with Feng Shui. The elements are associated with land, buildings, and even the body.

Natural Forces: Natural Forces, similar to the Elements, are used in Feng Shui. These Forces are similar to the basic forces in Nature.

Compass Directions: Compass Directions are used to determine directions that favor, or enhance, lives.

Land Topology: Land Topology can be a significant factor in determining where to place a building, plant a garden, etc.



Below is a Bagua that is divided into sections based on

Black Hat Feng Shui.

Picture of a     Bagua